
In the middle of March i decided to take the Certified Red Team Operator (CRTO) certification by ZeroPoint Security.

As I would have loved to read some more reviews of it before taking it, here’s mine.


The CRTO is a pretty novel certificate in the area of IT security and especially red teaming (in contrast to penetration testing). It is considered a beginner certificate as it is very general. It covers phishing, Kerberos, Active Directory misconfigurations, Windows privilege escalation and much more. However, if you think it is easy, due to the fact that it is considered a beginner certificate then you are wrong. In fact, you need to know quite some stuff, like how to use a command line and understand a lot of the things that may be considered basic in IT security. Still, when i was back at university, I would probably have failed it.

Well, my company granted me some time for the certificate. I used a week for going through the course material, one more week for the lab (in fact, I only spend 30 hours in the lab), and then i did the exam and passed (again in 30 hours).

The Course Material

The course material is great. Everything you need to know for the exam is in there. The texts are very short and applied. For everything there is an example that you can try in the lab. For the more complicated things there were videos.

The course material was fun to read and I even looked forward to it. It is clearly written and there are no ambiguities. The sections are short and encourage you to participate.

Sometimes alternative ways of reaching a goal are explained. This is the principle of “attack in depth”, according to which a good red teamer should know more ways to perform the same attack, as some may be monitored or blocked.

The course material was where this course shined for me. I studied one week full-time.

The Lab

The lab was nice. You get a Cobalt Strike license and can perform all the attacks. But mostly I was not using any special CS functionality, but rather took CS as a platform to launch other tools such as Rubeus or Whisker. Still, CS is probably considered the industry standard, so it makes sense to know it.

The lab is inside a guacamole session. So everything is browser-based and you do not need any special VPN configuration. The tools are already installed, which in my opinion is great. You can perform attacks and apply your knowledge instead of fiddling with compiling some abandoned code from github as in other labs.

The lab is not a challenge lab, where you have to think by yourself, but rather a “copy paste lab”. You can copy the code from the course and apply it directly in the lab. In my opinion that was okay, but i did some of the attacks by memory to increase the learning effect for myself. As an example, some tools need a FQDN, and if you are using the Netbios name instead, then there will be an error and you will be unable to figure out why. Also with Kerberos, sometimes you need a new logon session to log in to other services with your stolen tickets.

The lab is sold in monthly subscriptions. I purchased 40 hours, but only needed 30 hours to test everything i wanted to try.

You have the lab by yourself, so there is no other hacker that reverts your machines or breaks the services you want to exploit. You can pause the lab and are only billed by the time you are using it.

The Exam

At the end of my two weeks of learning i tried my hands at the exam. I was not looking forward to it but who likes exams anyway. The exam is in a lab with 8 machines, and you need to compromise 6 of them. You have 48 hours for this, but can split it over four days. So at the worst, you have four days where you are hacking 12 hours per day.

At least, there is no report necessary. You just have to copy the content of the flag files from the desktops of the administrators as a proof of compromise.

As a result of that hazing you may get a hip certificate if you pass. It’s not that you can do anything with the certificate. The CRTO is a pretty novel certification so HR does not know it and you will not find it in any job description. But if you are speaking to someone with more background in IT security it may be possible that he knows it and is impressed. It may be good for your ego, though.

One attempt at an exam was included in the price of the course, so i thought that i should at least try it. I don’t know if i would have attempted the exam if it wasn’t included in the price.

Well, the exam was well designed as it covered the content of the course pretty well. There was no knowledge necessary that was unexpected. The course was a good preparation for the exam.

But still there were technical difficulties. While the connectivity between the machines was very good in the lab, in the exam it was apeshit. At one point i was unsure if it was part of the exam or if there were really technical problems.

While the lab felt like building a sandcastle, the exam felt like building a sandcastle when sometimes a wave came by. I did a lot of the same steps multiple times as my beacons died. Whereas in the lab nearly every method of lateral movement worked, in the exam i needed to try all methods one after another until one worked. One attack was especially flaky and i needed to perform it multiple times until it worked. In fact, when it did not work the first time i thought that it did not work at all and tried different things (including taking a walk) for six hours.

My DNS beacons did not work at all. I suspect that the domains were not registered in the DNS server, but in the end i was fine without using DNS beacons.

In the exam it was always clear what the next step was. The machines can only be completed in a fixed succession. On the one hand, this is fun, as you know what is expected. You don’t have to be lucky in finding the one vulnerability when enumerating your target. On the other hand, you are stuck when you are stuck and there is no way to hack a different machine until you have a new idea.

In the end, i solved the six machines in 31 hours over 3 days. So i even had 17 hours left. I was attempting to hack further, but as i was unable to execute a beacon on the sixth machine i called it a day.


I had a technical problem, as one of the desktops did not contain the flag file. I needed to ask in the discord channel for support. Rastamouse, the head behind ZeroPoint Security helped me within at most five minutes. Could I have been stuck on that issue and failed my course due to that? No. The flags are numbered. And as soon as you find a flag with a number where you don’t have the predecessor you know that something is wrong. This brings me to my next point.


There is a forum on the web page of the course, but the real community is on Discord. Discord as a community may not be ideal. But as a place for technical support it is great. In other certifications I attended there was only mail contact (which is slow) or you needed to use IRC (which is okay). Also, the community is very helpful if you ask the right questions and show that you are trying. I have not read even one “try harder”, as it is unfortunately common in infosec communities.


In summary, regarding the presentation of content, the CRTO was probably one of the best courses I ever attended. I learned a lot. Even though some of the attacks were already known to me, it’s still good to be able to perform them with different tools. The exam was fair, but i am not sure if i would have been sad if i did not make it.

Banana Bunny says thanks to Rastamouse! As my photoshop skills are non-existent i hope you like some AI generated art.

AI Art


15 March 2023


